WAiB Pages

Submitting a Teacher bio to WAiB


Personal details

Title of teacher
Her name

Short biography (50 words maximum)

It is suggested that you mention:   lineage or school, teacher's teacher, name of centre(s) or institutions one is affiliated with, teaching specialties, and any other relevant activities (e.g. author, prison chaplain, AIDS hospice worker, etc.).  It's also a good idea to try to convey something of the teacher's personality if possible -- take a look at existing teacher profiles for some examples.  Note: your entry will be edited if the summary you submit contains more than 50 words.

Dharma centre webpage
Tteacher bio webpage
Picture of teacher
If an existing webpage contains a picture of the teacher
which we may use for WAiB, please provide URL here.

Contact information

The following fields are not compulsory, but at least one of these should be completed so that interested individuals have some means of contacting the teacher or her organization.

Teacher's contact address:
(optional -- may be a residential, Dharma centre, or post office address)

Telephone number
Fax number
E-mail address



The following information must be provided for your submission to be accepted:

Your name
Your e-mail or contact address

Are you submitting this information on the teacher's behalf and with her knowledge?

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