WAiB Pages

Events Calendar 2001

Women-led retreats and teachings

Some of the following listings are taken from Barry Kapke's DharmaNet Buddhist Calendar, still the most comprehensive listing of events and teachings I have found on the Web.   Check there for additional events which are co-led by both women and men.

If you are aware of other women-led or women-only teachings that I have missed, please submit your information using our online form.   I am especially keen to add events outside the United States (i.e. Canada, Europe, and the rest of the world).  Thanks!  (I also recommend that you submit your details to the DharmaNet Calendar via their online form or by e-mail to calendar@dharmanet.org.)

Dharma events

Date and time Venue Event Name Presented by Details and Contact Info
January 6-13 Gaia House, West Ogwell, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6EN, UK Retreat:   Creative Awareness Martine Batchelor Cost £161/133.  Contact Gaia House at (01626) 333613 or gaiahouse@gn.apc.org, or see the Gaia retreats page.
January 14
1-4 pm
City Yoga
Los Angeles, CA
Meditation and Chanting (Topic: Lovingkindness) Sharon Salzberg with Krishna Das Info: (323) 654-2125
January 16 Discover U., Seattle Talk:   Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism Ven. Thubten Chodron For further info, contact (206) 443-0447 or duhilary@seanet.com.
January 19
7.00 pm
Buddhist Library and Meditation Centre, 90 Church Street Camperdown 2050, Sydney, Australia Journey to Tibet: The Secret Lives of Alexandra David Neel An evening talk and slide show with Barbara Foster Admission: $15, $10 concession.   Telephone (02) 9519 6054, e-mail  buddhist@ozemail.com.au
January 19-21 Gaia House, West Ogwell, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6EN, UK Retreat:   Loving Kindness Christina Feldman Cost £65/55.  Contact Gaia House at (01626) 333613 or gaiahouse@gn.apc.org, or see the Gaia retreats page.
January 22
7:00 pm
Salzburg Buddhist Centre, Salzburg, Lehenerstrasse 15, Austria Public talk:  The Role of Women in Religion (particularly Buddhism and Christianity) from early times to the present Monika Greil This is part of an ongoing women-only lecture and discussion series in the Salzburg Buddhist Centre.  For further info, contact kurt.krammer@utanet.at
January 25
7:30-8:30 pm
Crazy Wisdom Bookstore
114 S. Main
Ann Arbor, MI
Talk:   Beyond the Dream of Dying - Understanding Death, Bardo and Liberation from the Radical Perspective of Tantra Lama A'dzom Rinpoche Free.   Info: (734) 665-2456.
January 26-29 Gaia House, West Ogwell, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6EN, UK Retreat:   Meditation and the Art of Working Catherine McGee Cost £22 (working retreat).   Contact Gaia House at (01626) 333613 or gaiahouse@gn.apc.org, or see the Gaia retreats page.
February 1-4 Castle Rock, WA Retreat:   Chenresig practice and taking and giving (tonglen) meditation Ven. Thubten Chodron Contact jesse@well.com or Claire Schwartz at 206-325-3970.
February 2-9 Insight Meditation Society
Barre, MA
Metta Retreat Sharon Salzberg, Carol Wilson, Kamala Masters & Myoshin Kelley Cost $280 (deposit required).  See the IMS schedule/registration page for more info.
February 2-18 Insight Meditation Society
Barre, MA
Combined Metta & Vipassana Retreats Sharon Salzberg, Carol Wilson, Kamala Masters & Myoshin Kelley Cost $555 (deposit required).  See the IMS schedule/registration page for more info.
February 9-18 Insight Meditation Society
Barre, MA
Vipassana Retreat Sharon Salzberg, Carol Wilson, Kamala Masters & Myoshin Kelley Cost $345 (deposit required).  See the IMS schedule/registration page for more info.
February 10
1:00-4:00 PM
Flaming Jewel Dharma Center
211 E. Ann Street., Ann Arbor, MI
Empowerment of Dorjé Yudrönma Naljorma Sangchen Tsomo Cost: $30.00.
Info: (734) 665-2456.
February 16-19 Manzanita Village
PO Box 67, Warner Springs, CA 92086
Retreat Caitríona Reed and Michele Benzamin-Masuda Cost $205 ($145 members).  For further info please call (760) 782-9223 or visit the Manzanita retreats page.
February 22
7:00-8:30 pm
The Tibet Center
New York City
Dharma Talk Sharon Salzberg Info: (212) 779-1841
Email: info@thetibetcenter.org
February 22
7:30-8:30 pm
Crazy Wisdom Bookstore
114 S. Main
Ann Arbor, MI
Talk:   Awareness Spell, Awareness Song - Discovering the Mystery of Joy through Yogic Song Stephannie Piro Free.   Info: (734) 665-2456.
February 24 New York Open Center
New York City
Teaching - Day long
(part of ongoing program)
Sharon Salzberg Info: (212) 219-2527
February 24
Spirit Rock Meditation Center, PO Box 169, Woodacre, CA 94973 The Practice of Simplicity: Living an Uncluttered Life Anna Douglas Cost $30 (bring lunch).  For more details, please see the Spirit Rock retreats page, or call (415) 488-0164.
February 25 New York Insight
New York City
Teaching - Day long Sharon Salzberg Info: (917) 441-0915
March 4
Spirit Rock Meditation Center, PO Box 169, Woodacre, CA 94973 A Day of Forgiveness Practice Julie Wester Cost $30 (bring lunch).  For more details, please see the Spirit Rock retreats page, or call (415) 488-0164.
March 15
7:30-8:30 pm
Crazy Wisdom Bookstore
114 S. Main
Ann Arbor, MI
Talk:   Brilliant Wonder - The Tantric Tradition and Teachings of Wisdom Women of Tibet and India Sangchen Tsomo Free.   Info: (734) 665-2456.
March 17
1:00-4:00 pm
Flaming Jewel Dharma Center
211 E. Ann Street., Ann Arbor, MI
Empowerment of Machig Labdrön Lama A'dzom Rinpoche Cost:$30.00
Info: (734) 665-2456.
March 18
Spirit Rock Meditation Center, PO Box 169, Woodacre, CA 94973 DharmaGaia: Awakening in the Web of Life Joanna Macy Cost $30 (bring lunch).  For more details, please see the Spirit Rock retreats page, or call (415) 488-0164.
March 24-31 Insight Meditation Society
Barre, MA
Annual Women's Retreat Christina Feldman and Narayan Liebenson Grady Cost $280 (deposit required).  See the IMS schedule/registration page for more info.
March 24-31 Gaia House, West Ogwell, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6EN, UK Retreat:   Wisdom of the Heart Sharda Rogell and Catherine McGee Cost £168/140.  Contact Gaia House at (01626) 333613 or gaiahouse@gn.apc.org, or see the Gaia retreats page.
March 24-April 15 Israel Retreats, seminars and talks Ven. Thubten Chodron Visit her Teachings page at Snow Lion Publications for more information closer to the dates.
March 25
Spirit Rock Meditation Center, PO Box 169, Woodacre, CA 94973 Part II: Compassion -
The second in a series on the Brahma Viharas (Divine Abodes) explored from a psychological perspective.
Sylvia Boorstein Cost $30 (bring lunch).  For more details, please see the Spirit Rock retreats page, or call (415) 488-0164.
April 2 Tibet House/NY Open Center
New York City
Teaching:   Women and Buddhism in America Sharon Salzberg Info: (212) 219-2527 or
April 6-8 Gaia House, West Ogwell, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6EN, UK Retreat: Heartful Awareness Sharda Rogell Cost £65/55.  Contact Gaia House at (01626) 333613 or gaiahouse@gn.apc.org, or see the Gaia retreats page.
April 25
7:30-8:30 pm
Crazy Wisdom Bookstore
114 S. Main
Ann Arbor, MI
Talk - Title TBA A-tsal Khandro Free.   Info: (734) 665-2456.
April 28- May 5 Spirit Rock Meditation Center, PO Box 169, Woodacre, CA 94973 Women in Meditation Retreat Christina Feldman, Michele McDonald-Smith For more details, please see the Spirit Rock retreats page, or call (415) 488-0164.
May 5
7-9 pm
Ross Center for Wellbeing
East Hampton, NY
Public Talk on  Lovingkindness Sharon Salzberg Info: (631) 907-5163
May 18-20 Gaia House, West Ogwell, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6EN, UK Quietness and Clarity: A Meditative Weekend Martine Batchelor Cost £65/55.  Contact Gaia House at (01626) 333613 or gaiahouse@gn.apc.org, or see the Gaia retreats page.
May 25 - June 2
Manzanita Village
PO Box 67, Warner Springs, CA 92086
Retreat Caitríona Reed and Michele Benzamin-Masuda Cost $350 (members $250).  For further info please call (760) 782-9223 or visit the Manzanita retreats page.
June 1-10 Castle Rock, WA Retreat:   Medicine Buddha and Medicine to Cure Samsara Ven. Thubten Chodron Contact jesse@well.com or Claire Schwartz at 206-325-3970.
June 14-17 Spirit Rock Meditation Center, PO Box 169, Woodacre, CA 94973 Non-Dual Meditation: Discovering Luminous Presence Anna Douglas, Catherine Ingram For more details, please see the Spirit Rock retreats page, or call (415) 488-0164.
June 30 - July 4 Manzanita Village
PO Box 67, Warner Springs, CA 92086
Retreat Caitríona Reed and Michele Benzamin-Masuda Cost $225 (members $160).  For further info please call (760) 782-9223 or visit the Manzanita retreats page.
July 6-8 Southern Dharma Retreat Center, Hot Springs, NC. Retreat: Motivation,  The Key to Our Actions Ven. Thubten Chodron Contact 704-622-7112,  sdharma@juno.com or sdharma@main.nc.us.
July 30 - August 4 Insight Meditation Society
Barre, MA
Family Retreat Marcia Rose, Trudy Goodman, Jose Ressig & Anna Klegon Cost $215 adult, $60 child (deposit required for adult).  See the IMS schedule/registration page for more info.
August 31 - September 2 Gaia House, West Ogwell, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6EN, UK Retreat: Stillness and Insight Catherine McGee Cost £65/55.  Contact Gaia House at (01626) 333613 or gaiahouse@gn.apc.org, or see the Gaia retreats page.
August 31 - September 3 Manzanita Village
PO Box 67, Warner Springs, CA 92086
Retreat Caitríona Reed and Michele Benzamin-Masuda Cost $205 ($145 members).For further info please call (760) 782-9223 or visit the Manzanita retreats page.
August 31 - September 3 Insight Meditation Society
Barre, MA
Labor Day Weekend Retreat Ruth Denison Cost $155 (deposit required).  See the IMS schedule/registration page for more info.
August 31 - September 9 Insight Meditation Society
Barre, MA
Vipassana Retreat (9 days) Ruth Denison Cost $345 (deposit required).  See the IMS schedule/registration page for more info.
September 6-9 Spirit Rock Meditation Center, PO Box 169, Woodacre, CA 94973 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Retreat Arinna Weisman, Eric Kolvig, Joanne Broatch For more details, please see the Spirit Rock retreats page, or call (415) 488-0164.
September 12-16 Spirit Rock Meditation Center, PO Box 169, Woodacre, CA 94973 Women’s Retreat Julie Wester, Debra Chamberlin-Taylor, Adrianne Ross For more details, please see the Spirit Rock retreats page, or call (415) 488-0164.
September 29 - October 6 Gaia House, West Ogwell, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6EN, UK Retreat:   Wisdom of the Heart Sharda Rogell and Catherine McGee Cost £168/140.  Contact Gaia House at (01626) 333613 or gaiahouse@gn.apc.org, or see the Gaia retreats page.
October 12-14 Gaia House, West Ogwell, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6EN, UK Retreat:   Genuine Acceptance Christina Feldman Cost £65/55. Contact Gaia House at (01626) 333613 or gaiahouse@gn.apc.org, or see the Gaia retreats page.
October 16-23 Spirit Rock Meditation Center, PO Box 169, Woodacre, CA 94973 Meditation & Creative Process Anna Douglas, Joanne Broatch For more details, please see the Spirit Rock retreats page, or call (415) 488-0164.
October 25 - November 2 Spirit Rock Meditation Center, PO Box 169, Woodacre, CA 94973 People of Color Retreat TBA For more details, please see the Spirit Rock retreats page, or call (415) 488-0164.
October 26-28 Gaia House, West Ogwell, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6EN, UK Loving-Kindness Retreat Patricia Feldman-Genoud Cost £65/55.  Contact Gaia House at (01626) 333613 or gaiahouse@gn.apc.org, or see the Gaia retreats page.
November 21-25 Manzanita Village
PO Box 67, Warner Springs, CA 92086
Retreat Caitríona Reed and Michele Benzamin-Masuda Cost $250 ($125 members).  For further info please call (760) 782-9223 or visit the Manzanita retreats page.
December 14-16 Gaia House, West Ogwell, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6EN, UK Retreat:   Breathing in Wisdom Christina Feldman Cost £65/55.  See the Gaia retreats page for more info.
December 24 - January 1 (2002) Manzanita Village
PO Box 67, Warner Springs, CA 92086
Retreat Caitríona Reed and Michele Benzamin-Masuda Cost $400 ($250 members).  For further info please call (760) 782-9223 or visit the Manzanita retreats page.
December 27 to January 2 (2002) Gaia House, West Ogwell, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6EN, UK New Year's Retreat Christina Feldman, Yanai Postelnik, Catherine McGee, Patricia Feldman-Genoud Cost £150/132.  Contact Gaia House at (01626) 333613 or gaiahouse@gn.apc.org, or see the Gaia retreats page.

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This page was last amended on 1 January 2001.
If you'd like to contribute to these links (or offer any corrections), please use our online form.  Thank you!