Tibetische Nonnen aus Kathmandu zum ersten mal auf Tour in Deutschland Oktober/November/Dezember 2000 |
BANNER AD for the tour |
Put a banner ad for the nuns' European tour on your website! We encourage you to use this attractive banner ad (468x60 pixels) as a link from your site to the Khachoe Ghakyil Nuns' Tour homepage. By doing so, your readers will be able to learn more details about the nuns and their performance - making it more likely that they'll want to attend your events. And you'll be helping to publicize the nuns' performances in other towns, too!
Die Aufführung | Rituelle Musik | Sandmandala | Die Nonnen | Image Galerie
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© Khachoe Ghakyil 1999-2000
Web custodian Julia Milton
Hosted by Women Active in Buddhism.