WAiB Pages
Web-based and e-mail discussion lists
NEW LesbianBuddhists (eGroups) is a Web forum or Web-based discussion list for lesbians interested in discussing Buddhism, the teachings of Buddha and how they relate to being a lesbian. Special interest is discussion of the Four Noble Truths, The Eightfold Path and the Five Precepts. Join in ongoing discussions or start a thread of your own. Note: you can view postings as a guest, but to post to the group or to participate in discussions, you must first subscribe. |
NEW Maitri Dorje (eGroups) is a Web forum or Web-based discussion list for gay and lesbian Buddhists. Maitri Dorje Gay and Lesbian Buddhist Society is a New York City-based organization of gay and lesbian Buddhists and those interested in Buddhism from all traditions and with all levels of experience. Their discussion list encompasses views of persons from many cultures and bacgrounds who are not necessarily gay or lesbian themselves, but who have an interest in Buddhism, especially as it relates to gay and lesbian persons. |
Dharma-dykes is a private mailing list for lesbians who study and practice Buddhism in any tradition. There are no requirements in terms of length of time one has been following the path. Beginners are as welcome as those with experience. The homepage for dharma-dykes also offers an archive, online articles by/for women, and other related links. For further information, send an e-mail message to majordomo@goonsquad.spies.com with the message info dharma-dykes in the body of the message (no subject). |
The Feminist Buddhist E-Mail List Sangha is a spiritual support group for feminist women interested in Buddhism. The group, which is cooperative (unmoderated), intends to provide a safe forum for sharing personal experience, and aims to pay attention to the needs of the group as a community. To inquire about membership, contact Catherine@loudzen.com . |
The Forum for discussion of feminist Buddhism (Delphi) is a Web forum or Web-based discussion list. Join in ongoing discussions or start a thread of your own. Note: in order to join the Forum, you must first become a Delphi member; this process is quick, easy and free. For further information, please contact Catherine Holmes Clark at Catherine@loudzen.com. |
VajraBelles is an e-mail discussion list for female practitioners of Vajrayana. Yudron Wangmo (Sidney Skinner), the originator of the list: "Greetings Dharma Friends, I am starting an e-mail discussion list for women in Vajrayana Buddhism. The list is geared to actual committed practitioners, rather than women who have curiosity about Vajrayana or Tibetan Buddhism. The latter should feel free to contact me for a list of some relevant informational web sites. To subscribe to the list, go to http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/VajraBelles." |
Buddhist women's groups and organizations
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NEW The Vajrayana Gay and Lesbian Study Group "are a small but international group of lesbian/gay apprentices within the Confederate Sanghas of Aro who are exploring, practising and sharing our understanding of Tantra - in particular the Khandro pawo nyi da mélong gyüd - within the context of our own relationships. We are not a pressure group or political caucus, but are simply seeking to learn from our practice what it means to be a gay tantrika." For more information, or to provide input, please contact the co-ordinator, Naljorma Sel-zér Pamo at selzer.pamo@bigfoot.com. | |
Sakyadhita (the International Association for Buddhist Women) includes amongst its concerns the question of nuns' ordination, including the reintroduction of the full nuns' ordination (bhikshuni) in countries where it has died out. | ||
The Gay Buddhist Fellowship of San Francisco exists to support Buddhist practice in the gay community, to contribute to the well-being of the larger community, and to support the growing network of gay practitioners in the U.S. and around the world. It also offers an online newsletter archive and an extensive links page of Buddhist/gay resources. | ||
The Tibetan Women's Association is a non-governmental organization based in Dharamsala, India and has over 37 branches in India and abroad. This is the group's international page. |
Projects by and for Buddhist women
Please see our Resources on Women's Ordination page for complete details of programmes and projects supporting Buddhist nuns and nunneries in India, Nepal, Thailand, Australia and the United Kingdom. | ||
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Life as a Buddhist Nun reports on the remarkable, first-of-its-kind conference of the same name held in Bodhgaya, India, in February 1996. The event's purpose was to provide teachings on monastic discipline; to discuss questions and issues facing Western Buddhist nuns; to establish a feeling of community and support among Western Buddhist nuns; and to enable the Dharma to flourish in the West by training nuns, many of whom will become Dharma teachers, counselors, hospice workers and so forth. | |
Tibetan women refugees have been particularly instrumental in keeping their ancient culture alive in often difficult foreign environments. Roslyn Dauber and Vanessa Smith, independent American documentary film producers are now completing a one hour documentary, Tibetan Women Refugees. This site is well worth visiting for its stunning photo archive alone! | ||
The Office of Tibet in London has a Tibetan Women's Page which includes links to the Tibetan Women's Association, an article on the violation of Tibetan women's reproductive rights (A State-Owned Womb), a report on the oppression of women in Tibet by the Chinese, and Tears of Silence (a report on Tibetan women and population control). | ||
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Tibetan women speak out! Testimony from Adhe Tapontsang, Yungchen Lhamo, and others on their (often horrific) experiences under Chinese occupation. |
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This page was last amended on 1 January 2001.
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